hail to mi goreng!

I just check out what Facebook got on mi goreng, guess what, mi goreng turned out to have massive fans worldwide!!!

Indomie is really doing a great job with this one, check out!

Cumi Laut wrote
at 10:38pm
you're not alone guys!

when I was in high school, my dream was to have a nice apartment by the lake with a minimalist kitchen facing a huge screen TV, inside the cupboard on the wall was of course a stack of mi goreng!!!!

damn that's a nice dream!
Wayne Choi (Los Angeles, CA) wrote
at 8:52pm
yo we need to make some kind of a festival out of this man, i thought i was alone too. WHOO HOOOO!OO!O!O!O!O!!!! i can eat a whole box of this in a week.
Emma Harris (Australia) wrote
at 4:22pm
try adding a little bit of honey sooooo good.....
Jessica Bourque (Oakville Trafalgar High School) wrote
at 12:51pm
My life
Katie Bradley (Oakville Trafalgar High School) wrote
at 12:24pm
Wow....and I thought I was alone.
Lachlan Joseph (Bond) wrote
at 9:37am
currently eating maggi noodles to kill a hangover, wishing they were mi goreng :(
Zion Paton wrote
at 7:49am
only if i could buy you in 1000 pack box i wouldnt have to go back to the store every day..........
Andy Halim (Australia) wrote
at 7:42am
I love you so much. I have you for breakfast, recess, lunch, afternoon tea dinner and supper.
Nikki Soldat (Australia) wrote
at 6:28am
HAHAHA lucy you are Mi Goreng!!! mY liL inside-out-dO
Jillian Peters (Australia) wrote
at 10:04pm yesterday
I love Mi Goreng :-) I eat 2 packets a day yum yum!!!!!!
Jeff Snelgar (Australia) wrote
at 9:41pm yesterday
i ate so much of this during uni.. i just hope that in 20 years we don't find out its cancerous...
Lucy Van Gorp wrote
at 6:24pm yesterday
I LOVE MI GORENG, THEY R FROM SAME PLACE I AM FROM YEEEEEWWWINNN!!!! these r the best noodles every better than choodles or boodles
Anthony Tran (Australia) wrote
at 5:44pm yesterday
i swear U.S.A. dont have mi goreng!! i went there and couldnt find any lol suck shit america
Yetchi Yeung (Australia) wrote
at 4:02pm yesterday
This topic has probably been brought up a few times...but oh well!
When is Mi Goreng gonna make cup noodles?!?!
Simon Macias (Australia) wrote
at 3:15pm yesterday
I have had nothing but Mi Goreng (Satay flavour) for lunch at home for the past 7 months. It never get's old.
Sabrina Tay wrote
at 12:55pm yesterday
Yo Yo Yo! I love mi goreng! I can't live w/out it!
Jaclyn Larae Merto (RMIT) wrote
at 11:22am yesterday
Nabil Rashid (New Zealand) wrote
at 10:15am yesterday
Ive grown up on this stuff!!!...and ive gotten so many people hooked on it too!!...long live the mi goreng
Jacqueline De La Rue (Ivanhoe Girls' Grammar School) wrote
at 9:53am yesterday
OMG!! best noodle ever!
Carlo Fernan Marquez Azarcon (Australia) wrote
at 7:34am yesterday
Nicholas Suharsono (UEA) wrote
at 9:34pm on July 23rd, 2008
6 months, I survived in Mi Goreng as my lunch in UK.. bwahahaha
Renee Vella (Australia) wrote
at 8:42pm on July 23rd, 2008
oh mi goreng, u keep my pantry cupboard from being bare. :D ^^ love^^
Mee Shel wrote
at 4:32pm on July 23rd, 2008
I love MiGoreng!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Claire Probst (Australia) wrote
at 11:24am on July 23rd, 2008
i just discovered Mi Goreng. Where have you been all my life??!!!
Melody Grace wrote
at 9:23am on July 23rd, 2008
i cant stop looking at the packet haha
Melody Grace wrote
at 9:23am on July 23rd, 2008
yummy add stir fry chicken and theyre awesome
Melody Grace wrote
at 9:20am on July 23rd, 2008
Etienne Reynaud (Australia) wrote
at 10:14pm on July 22nd, 2008
I love you Mi Goreng! Why did you leave? I need you back.

Guys fresh out of Mi Goreng - had to make pizza and pasta and stuff... like far out.
Megan Godwin wrote
at 1:54pm on July 22nd, 2008
so stoked that when i went home last and my mother had stocked the cupboard with Mi Goreng- defeats the purpose of going to see your folks to eat their food... mmmm mi goreng!!
Aki O'leary (Australia) wrote
at 1:51pm on July 22nd, 2008
i must admit, the best mi goreng is the mi goreng that they make on the beach in Bali with egg and spinach .. yummm!!! =D
Edan Crees (Australia) wrote
at 1:33pm on July 22nd, 2008
I had you for lunch with sweet potato and salmon. sweeeeet
Nazaree Dickerson wrote
at 11:28am on July 22nd, 2008
$10.50 for Mi goreng 30pack outrageous i remember the days of $7.00 a box. i love you mi goreng!
Jess Hallam (Australia) wrote
at 9:03am on July 22nd, 2008
i had yoo yesturday.

i almost spontaneously combusted i missed yoo that much..
Rob McNeair (Australia) wrote
at 7:46am on July 22nd, 2008
fried chicken flavor goo
Kenneth Duong (Australia) wrote
at 11:55pm on July 21st, 2008
Migoreng is second only to one thing. BATMAN.
Kyle Towns (Australia) wrote
at 8:52pm on July 21st, 2008
"it has become a staple food for many on a tight budget."

Ahaha.. ohhh yes. Except.. they're TOO edible. You don't want something irresistable if you're on a tight budget =/

To anyone laughing at irresistable: c'mon, you know it. Mi Goreng rocks.
John King (Australia) wrote
at 8:32pm on July 21st, 2008
A uni boy once went into a large supermarket my friend worked at in Mill Park and purchased an entire pallet of these gems... It was an entire 6 months food supply according to this chap. Hope he was studying a cure to Ulcers...
Carlo Carrion wrote
at 7:42pm on July 21st, 2008
Adrian Pretsel (Australia) wrote
at 7:19pm on July 21st, 2008
had 3 packs for lunch today... cheap and wonderful goodness!!
David Reichard wrote
at 4:32pm on July 21st, 2008
Massimo Amerena (The Geelong College) wrote
at 4:02pm on July 21st, 2008
where can i get cheap miggas in melbourne or even better Geelong?
Ricko Shu (Malaysia) wrote
at 3:43pm on July 21st, 2008
indomie.. seleraku.. *slurp*
Natalie Scarr (New Zealand) wrote
at 11:49am on July 21st, 2008
if I could marry mee goreng, i would. If I could drown in a blend of the yummy sauces it comes with, I would. Pretty much there is love, and then there is mee goreng x
Nathan Vo wrote
at 10:42am on July 21st, 2008
loving it coz its cheap
Katherine D'aquino (Australia) wrote
at 8:21am on July 21st, 2008
best noodles ever...mmm im gonna have some for lunch today...
Jeremy Okraglik wrote
at 8:12am on July 21st, 2008
shutup thomas grant!!!
go chain your self to a tree or something!!!!
Michelle Nabong (London) wrote
at 2:17am on July 21st, 2008
I can eat Mi Goreng 365days of the year!!!
Patrick Souralay wrote
at 8:08pm on July 20th, 2008
Without Mi Goreng, I dont know where i'd be today....:D
Thomas Grant wrote
at 5:10pm on July 20th, 2008
buying migoreng supports destruction of the amazon rainforest because it contains palm oil. I think they cut down the forests to grow palm oil plantations. So even though I love it, I've stopped buying it. look up palm oil and deforestation.
Samii Rose (Australia) wrote
at 2:43pm on July 20th, 2008
Lolll soo manyy bigg nites follwed by a group of mates and ii eatin good ol' mi goreng..... with fried egg on top!! YUM!
Dom Stead (New Zealand) wrote
at 2:34pm on July 20th, 2008
after about 20 buckies..mi goreng realy hits the taste buds sweeeeeeet
Stephen Gochman (Bialik High School) wrote
at 12:31pm on July 20th, 2008
The best munchies food......65 cents from 7/11 at like 4am, comes in handy......but gives u the worst shit!
James Sione Ratcliffe (Knox Grammar School) wrote
at 10:52pm on July 19th, 2008
agreed jo, the worst is the black stuff, its just so messy...but otherwise its the best when you need a good feed
Joanna Bara (Ravenswood High School) wrote
at 4:03pm on July 19th, 2008
if only u made the seasoning packets easier to open.. other then that. mi goreng is yum
James Sione Ratcliffe (Knox Grammar School) wrote
at 7:24am on July 19th, 2008
haha charlie.. yeh boag oi my sis and your sis go to same uni...did you knw that did you?
Charlie Bell (Knox Grammar School) wrote
at 8:14pm on July 18th, 2008
boags mum does go to college, hey ratters did you that boags sister and your sister go to the same uni and know each other?
James Sione Ratcliffe (Knox Grammar School) wrote
at 1:01pm on July 18th, 2008
omg no boag your mum goes to college.
Alice Eather (Australia) wrote
at 9:54am on July 18th, 2008
i love mi goreng

BUT PLEASE put the chili on the outside instead of the middle
Leo Carne wrote
at 9:23am on July 18th, 2008
im pretty certain im addicted to mi go, like the msg in it or something its crazy
Dee Gutierrez (CSU East Bay) wrote
at 6:56am on July 18th, 2008
I love mi goreng!! i havent eaten it in like forever. too bad i havent seen anyone sell it here in the U.S :[
Teguh Priambodo (Indonesia) wrote
at 9:25pm on July 17th, 2008
How about Mi Rebus or Steamed Noodle ?
William Lau wrote
at 7:12pm on July 17th, 2008
couldnt believe there r so many fans of indomie
Yofan Pratama P wrote
at 5:57pm on July 17th, 2008
I'm wondering... How many flavour of Indomie that we can find OUTSIDE Indonesia?

Can we find some REGIONAL Indomie flavour like (Fried Noodles with) Red Chili Chicken Flavour from South Borneo or Manokwari Gril Fish Flavour (Fried Noodles) from Papua or other unique REGIONAL Indomie flavour?

There are more than 100 Indomie products in Indonesia...
Nellie Simiona wrote
at 4:41pm on July 17th, 2008
I thank my cuzzies in Melbourne for introducing this to me.... now i buy in cartons.....YUMMY....LOL.....
Mitchell T Gillen (Australia) wrote
at 1:05pm on July 17th, 2008
Chop one onion+strips of beef, chicken, pork, fry, add flavour satchets, Then boil frozen veg, add mi goreng. Mix it up. A meal unto itself...
Freilyn Yu (Australia) wrote
at 12:36pm on July 17th, 2008
Noel Crosbie (Australia) wrote
at 11:51am on July 17th, 2008
I lurve this stuff,& so does my family but the gurls can't handle the chili sauce so i get triple!!!!! yeowwww!!!! :D)
Khalid Ahmed (Sydney Boys High School) wrote
at 11:39am on July 17th, 2008
i just ate some now!
Yofan Pratama P wrote
at 8:08am on July 17th, 2008
Soo not only Indonesian who love Indomie Goreng eh? *SHOCKED*

I REALLY addicted to this food too... I eat it almost everydayy...
Marc Mouine wrote
at 4:06am on July 17th, 2008
Selamat Makam!!!!!
Saya Suka suka!!!
Mie Goreng Bagus!!!!
Sumyandityo Noor (Indonesia) wrote
at 9:49pm on July 16th, 2008
I can't believe it's also exported to Australia, Africa, and European countries..

I don't it's *THAT* success...

But actually this product is more familiar to my tongue than another countries' instant noodles.
James Boag (Knox Grammar School) wrote
at 7:34pm on July 16th, 2008
Charles Bell is a fag..
Catherine Betcher (Australia) wrote
at 6:42pm on July 16th, 2008
Charlie Bell (Knox Grammar School) wrote
at 5:46pm on July 16th, 2008
james boag is a fag..
Emma Sulistya Wulandari (Indonesia) wrote
at 5:20pm on July 16th, 2008
i adore this food!!!!
Dan Bryson (Australia) wrote
at 5:10pm on July 16th, 2008
" and on the eighth day, god created Mi Goreng"
James Boag (Knox Grammar School) wrote
at 2:23pm on July 16th, 2008
These noodles have got me through some tough times.
Chris Mason (Australia) wrote
at 11:58am on July 16th, 2008
oh my god, i spent 6 months of my life living on 1 packet of mee goreng a day bought from a chinese supermarket in a massive box. so many memories
Sean Cumberlidge (Australia) wrote
at 1:28am on July 16th, 2008
Oh yes, soo goood!
Rachelle Dela Cruz (Australia) wrote
at 10:51pm on July 15th, 2008
I can survive on this...
Kay Mcquarrie (Australia) wrote
at 6:37pm on July 15th, 2008
i tried to send this to a friend because we are all fans of this amazing food but you dont seem to be able to send it on. PLEASE HELP
Ned Zac Gearing (Australia) wrote
at 4:34pm on July 15th, 2008
Love them!'s a tip buy in bulk from an asian grocery, you'll be set for at least 2 weeks lol
Reece Baxter (Australia) wrote
at 9:52am on July 15th, 2008
satay ones own
Sepi Maria Iva wrote
at 1:56am on July 15th, 2008
so yummy!!!
Michael Acepcion (Philippines) wrote
at 9:42pm on July 14th, 2008
Oh so good!!!.....darn....I can't find anymore of these in all the stores here at Manila... supply runs out fast.
Katherine Stewart (Charles Sturt University) wrote
at 7:26pm on July 14th, 2008
BUMBU POWDER. amazing.
Jane Nikolic wrote
at 12:37pm on July 14th, 2008
lunch......ive found you!
Ryan Clifford wrote
at 11:47am on July 14th, 2008
ohh yeaa all three of us at home love this ......
Sharna Hutchinson (Australia) wrote
at 8:20am on July 14th, 2008
OMG I looooooove these noods! I usually mix with prawns and chicken and serve bok choy on the side. Best tight budget meal ever!!!
Jeffrey Chan (Australia) wrote
at 7:04am on July 14th, 2008
Lucy Connolly (Australia) wrote
at 8:26pm on July 13th, 2008
i love this stuff u never get sick of them... got the 30 box so im set...
Izziva Rt (Australia) wrote
at 7:34pm on July 13th, 2008
i LOVE adding vegies and tuna
Liz Bonner (Australia) wrote
at 5:40pm on July 13th, 2008
I have a 30 pack which will keep me going for yummy - and you can add vegies or tuna, or just eat plain!! best meal ever
Joshua Yip wrote
at 2:56pm on July 13th, 2008
ahahah mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Marwa Ismail wrote
at 1:47pm on July 13th, 2008
My saviour.
Clint Hobson (Australia) wrote
at 10:06pm on July 12th, 2008
Ah... so bad... but yeah, I ALWAYS keep about 3 of these, both at home, and at work, for emergencies! Not so much because they're cheap but they keep forever. And they're cheap. And yummy.
Citra Octaviana (Indonesia) wrote
at 8:52pm on July 12th, 2008
it's heaven food,,
Tarek Morad wrote
at 4:41pm on July 12th, 2008
i can't stop eating this thing
Keziah Peh (Churchlands Senior High School) wrote
at 10:41am on July 12th, 2008
unhealthy but SUPER YUM! (: (: (:
Ken Lacey (Australia) wrote
at 9:44am on July 12th, 2008
mmmmmi Goreng!

My staple diet!
Chyntia Sari (Laurenhill Academy) wrote
at 4:02am on July 12th, 2008
Woo hoo! Made in Indonesia products =)
I never knew there were so many mi goreng lovers ..
Hannah Bland (Australia) wrote
at 8:52pm on July 11th, 2008
OMG - I am so addicted! Last shop I got 7 bags of the 5-pack .... my family is riding the Mi Goreng train hardcore!
James Tria (Australia) wrote
at 7:50pm on July 11th, 2008
get some mi goreng up ya!
Matty Slade (Australia) wrote
at 9:07am on July 11th, 2008
fuck yeah!! i do like 5 packets for breakfast!! mi goreng is my holy grail!!
Kurt Miglas (Australia) wrote
at 2:52pm on July 10th, 2008
holy shit, my daily bread n water
Megan Armfield (Australia) wrote
at 2:50pm on July 10th, 2008
i want to marry mi goreng
Natalie Milner wrote
at 12:33pm on July 10th, 2008
mi goreng - i dream about you every night...
Ramadhan Sutan (Indonesia) wrote
at 2:44am on July 10th, 2008
OMG!.. Beware, Indomies are very dangerous, & very addictive

as far as i know, it is made from a thingy that usually used to preserving dead bodies 0_0

astonishing huh?

but still, i cant ressist it... :p
James Mann (Australia) wrote
at 2:09am on July 10th, 2008
I wonder if they'll start having those warning stickers like on cigarette packet - except instead of the inside of your arteries and lungs, it shows the inside of your toilet bowl.
Yet we are all so forgiving of the humble mi goreng, and are willing to take this physical punishment in exchange for the quickest, cheapest, tastiest food ever invented.
All hail the 50c noodles!!! :D
Thanh Tran wrote
at 12:52am on July 10th, 2008
Mi Goreng + butter fried meat + fried eggs is what i usually eat wonder how healthy that is lol ah well do it again tomorrow an the nxt day an the next an the nxt....
Stephen James Clement (Sydney) wrote
at 8:36pm on July 9th, 2008
Om nom nom nom.
Josh Nyhof (Australia) wrote
at 8:21pm on July 9th, 2008
Kylie Carlsen (Australia) wrote
at 4:19pm on July 9th, 2008
10.50 for a box of 40. AWESOME.
Jake Howie (New Zealand) wrote
at 11:56am on July 9th, 2008
I love you mi goreng, you're like the Paris to my Nicole
Emma Holmesby (Australia) wrote
at 11:53am on July 9th, 2008
just bought a pack, going to eat it soon.
what a meal
and got some weird cheap asian noodle thing too with a cartoon guy on the front
should look it up.
Melly Adlam (Australia) wrote
at 10:43am on July 9th, 2008
i could go some mi goreng right now... in fact the shop around the corner sells them for $9 a box.... bye
Sven Damm wrote
at 6:34am on July 9th, 2008
mi goreng what can i say i first got addicted to it in year 9 or 8 im 23 now so yeah long time of eatting it.
it is so yummy to eat all the time put heaps of chillies in as well i use my pan put a little water just to get them harf coverd
then add seseaning when soft put the water into boal add the oil
and a little more to get it with a bit of a crisp flaver then quickly add the flavers in then tip into boll that is the way add a few chilli flakes on top or some halopilo's to get it some spice.
Ana Bent H (Saudi Arabia) wrote
at 3:55am on July 9th, 2008
اندووووووومي الطعم الشهي
وين ايامك يالاندومي :)
James Mann (Australia) wrote
at 9:46pm on July 8th, 2008
Aww, Katherine Filkin. Dont be jealous just because youre not getting any noo noos. :P
Michael Chan-Ho Wu (Trinity Grammar School) wrote
at 8:55pm on July 8th, 2008

the list go oooon and oooooon.....

hail to mi goreng!

1 kritikan:

Anonymous said...

mo join to da club ahh.. bergabung dgn sodara2ku smua.. hihi..
niwey, agustus ko sepi chubb? hayoo dong tulis lg.. aku rindu