20 things you experience when you're beyond broke

Beyond broke is what happen when your saving is already in minus, because at the end of the month you have to pay your monthly car installment but the amount left in your credit is only enough to pay half. Plus, it's not the second week of the month yet.

So these are 20 things I experience when I'm beyond broke, like now

1. Going to office to get that US$1 meal cash.
2. Leave home early to avoid spending that cash.
3. Bumping the head real hard on the nearest clean table edge cos Tribal Tech is playing this Tuesday and you have no cash to spend.
4. Taking that extra mile to get some money, despite the uncertainty, like taking troublesome jobs at hooker's price.
5. Skipping all possibilities of meet and greets, and felt sorry after going to one with a notorious freeloader.
6. Skip meals, and when impossible, buy the cheapest available.
7. Constantly trying to fine-tune the head to be a better calculator for every dime spent, which in my experience always felt that no money is left.
8. Looting for other people's cigarettes.
9. Leaning to spend more on credit card or paypal, which is a nasty habit in the making.
10. Putting travel allowance as another possibility of getting extra cash, and put it into your cash flow.
11. Asking yourself how you're going to survive this condition.
12. Delaying other money spending plans, and start spending money for the unavoidables, regretting them at no results.
13. Bitching about not getting the money you deserve, which you usually take lightly.
14. Start complaining about gas prices, which is lame.
15. Keep spending more money, which is a mysterious way of how the vicious circle of life works.
16. Planning on selling some stuff but never did as you felt you will survive.
17. Start looking for more paying jobs, even when you like the current job.
18. Start asking for money that people owes you, and destroying bad friendships along the way.
19. Making 'I'm broke' as the number one excuse for almost everything.
20. Hoping the day will never pass so you can avoid paying all those bills.

 *the image is from, number 23 on their list is occasionally true

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