what the fuck does it mean?

if you feel like pissing the whole time and nothing came out,
what the fuck does it mean?

if nothing goes right with whatever you're doing and you just move on,
what the fuck does it mean?

if the world is going round and return to its exact position a year later with us growing older,
what the fuck does it mean?

and I wasn't even trying to sound smart, or confusing in a way, and not even trying to explain teh exact stiffness and messed up feelings I currently felt,
but truly, what the fuck does it mean?


3 kritikan:

Anonymous said...

knp chubb?? tampaknya lg dirundung kekesalan yg amat sangat..

Anonymous said...

mm.. gua lupa hahahaha

Anonymous said...

ahh kamu...
nulis dsini bukannya biar inget??