what is "a friend indeed"

a descent picture of us with not so descent aperture point

a not so descent picture, which is a bit gay-ish hahaha, but whatta heck, of us

i just had a brief encounter with, well, pretty much my bestest friend this afternoon. he is slightly bulkier, looking cleaner like most husbands, but still the old guy I remember being there for me for an extended period of time.

though he might not ever consider this, i gladly consider him the best friend, even if the meaning of the term itself is overrated.

the history between us is long and tedious. to tell the truth i can't even remember some of them in the days i decided cranking his boarding house for, probably more than half a year, or could be a year or year and a half, in Bintaro back in the hey days, when we were all broke, jobless, a bit stupid, but happy. i don't know about him, but yeah, it was a key moment in my life and i'm glad i had it. i guess i'm glad he was in it along the way.

fyi, he paid all the bills

he was shocked looking at my hair, and though awkward for him, i managed to hug him. and brief encounter followed to the basement for lunch where we tried our best to keep up with each other's life, he with his married life, me with my work life (haha).

and like hitler chocking up on helium after drinking too much coffee, i screeched about whatever i can think of, while he gracefully hinted about babies, the nature of life within the tender imprisonment of marriage and well, tax, not to mention how the latest case on gayus demotivates most tax workers.

actually talking again after more than half a year, or could be a year or year and a half, reminded me of why.

because married life, like most people knows it, is demanding, where he didn't have that much time anymore to just wander around doing stupid shits with his friend, or to make things less complicated, me, and working has been occupying especially me, and all that other crap reasons whose counter argument is that if we really miss each other we could always arrange a meet up, though the last time we did i got lost.

but the why is more on why i once considered the guy the bestest friend, though most of our friends at the old Bintaro boarding house considered us 'soulmate', hopefully in a non, or less-gay sense of things.

and based on that also, i figure i ought to have the authority -and audacity- to actually spell out what i think is a friend, or in his case, a best friend, as i have lived a long life to begin with, and all other crap reasons.

to do this in an appropriate manner, i will try to come up with points on the qualities of why one can be considered as a best friend. a bit stupid, as this has been done millions of times and every time one does it, i always feel that such decision to do so is lame and cheesy, but hell, i'm in a good mood.

- with a best friend you can actually talk. be it filled with broad sense, or nonsense at all.

he might understand or he might not, but he always come up with remarks that make me feel like i'm worth listening. you don't find that situation too often unless of course i'm asking questions :).

and the part where i feel like i'm worth listening is way much more complicated than simply being boring -which is a stupid defensive remark if i may say, as some people do find me boring. jumping off from one subject to another in quentin tarantino style, while discussing multiple topics at once, leaving one when it has lost its exciting qualities onto another that is fresh to only go back to the abandoned topic without trying to link them at the end as conclusion is not an easy way or normal method to converse stuff. but it has been apparent to me that he's digesting it well, hence making it feel totally normal, though this is a mere assumption i made based on his lack of complaints.

i know i'm a good listener, but my mind is often wandering off to some things that makes my brain temporary closed down its electricity portal from the ears, hence the huh, what, and multiple eh that randomly pop out in every beginning of conversations. but like i said, he's taking it well.

-with your best friend you can stop talking without being afraid that you're wasting his/her time.

and this has happened too many times back in the past, though some of these moments have apparently been erased from my fragile memories. and such situation where other people can feel okay about it don't happen that much either. like when you make calls, which is the only moment when "time is money" takes form in its truest sense.

being silent has apparently become a redeeming quality that he had, and most of us had actually, and there are times when you just don't feel like talking, or simply prefer listening to music over headphones, without the fear of thinking that you might ignoring the other person. i did that a lot, and he ditto apparently.

-your best friend never ask too much of you, expecting too much of you or demanding too much of you

with that being said, the only time he ever asked anything from me was back when he said he wanted to get married.

he asked me to be his best man.

which i immediately said yes, but flank on the d-day because i did things that i shouldn't have done or at least delayed to about three or five hours after that in which due to propriety's sake shouldn't be mentioned or hinted even a bit in this post. i came late, the wedding is already over, and no one is giving him the ring.

in later days he told me that because there's no other best man available for back up, he kept the ring in his pocket.

he was probably mad, or at least disappointed. but he didn't show them.

"it was great, i was nervous, you should see the number of people coming dude, damn i thought i'd passed out. and where were you?"

"i got lost," which we all know was a lie

and i guess that's the moment where he truly felt happy and content, or at least relieve, that the biggest challenge in a man's life is passed without meaningful obstacle, or at least that's what i'd like to think so :p.

come to think of it, we all think it's okay with each other's bad habits over time, like being late. i can still remember vividly where in his bed, at about eight o'clock in the morning, in our, or his, old boarding house, he received a call from his boss inquiring him about his whereabouts as he was late for an important meeting.

"I'm on the way, I'm on the way," he said and continued sleeping for another ten minutes before finally getting up.

I swear to god till this day that he wouldn't have gone to that stupid so called important meeting if i didn't hassle him about going as fast as he could.

in this case, i wasn't being a best friend as i mentioned earlier i guess.

but even back in high school, where i'll be late for most of the days, he would come some minutes after me.

- your best friend appreciate your work, where as a best friend, you appreciate what he does too

the simplest example, as both of us were the lead cartoonists, illustrators, wallpaper designers and whatever involving the use of different types of pens, cardboards, paints, scissors, and other painting tools to lead a group of merryful bunch in almost every major event requiring big, small, colorful, less colorful, meaningful, less meaningful, boring and less boring decorations in highschool, and highschool being the only span of time reasonable enough to mention as we end up going to different universities and take up different jobs after highschool, i can fairly say that nobody appreciate, admire, take careful observations with the intend of learning and understanding, continue to remember most of his works with the aim of comprehending his style, more than me.

and back in the first grade of highschool, i can still remember him being the only guy who thought that my sketching of a girl's hair viewed from the back was, well, basically worth looking at for the next half an hour.

i fell asleep in the next two hours or so and he kept the page.

-your best friend doesn't tell you what to do, he supports you with whatever thing you chose to do.

in a way, he refused to be responsible for your wrong decisions, but he don't mind to also feel the impact, or take partial responsibility of your well being after all the things harvested their impacts. that's what he always do, and learning from him, that's what i always try to do in my life with my worthy friends.

I think the boarding house case, where i stayed at his boarding house, thinking it as mine also, for an extended period of time in his own expenses, being an impact of a wrong decision i made, was a clear example.

well, luckily i don't do drugs, don't steal stuff and not causing any trouble, that if i did, i wouldn't even want to befriend myself.


there are a lot of other qualities, obviously, but i will add them later. i've got deadlines and i'm not looking to be dead just yet.

and if we don't get to see each other again in a long time after this, i'm sure i can catch him again next year while paying my tax. he wouldn't mind.

and oh, the last thing is

-you feel grateful having your best friend, and from their odd little ways, you know they're grateful too

from my experience, i can only assume :)


lost in uncertainty

I have found the immeasurable tunnel, rooted deep with China as its possible end
I have found deep dark oceans looming in sight, luring fishermen to get near and drown
I have found a tall tower of knowledge, which floors aren’t numbered
I have found them in you
And you have found pretty much the same in someone else

China isn't probably destined for me :)

lost in certainty

He looked at her mother's page, and then her sister's. And then he stumbled upon Paulo Coelho's facebook page, whose recent status was displayed on her sister's page.

the status says "Love is joy. Don't convince yourself that suffering is part of it"

it shook him

he is suffering, in where it's supposed to be love. and worse yet, he seems to find joy, in all the little sufferings someone else is inflicted on him. something that will not ever be.

suffering is not part of love, he is convinced, and he is committed to go down the familiar path, where nothing awaits but suffering, till death do them part.

stuff lost

btw the biggest thing in my life throughout the year is probably happening.

D90 got stolen, plus tele lens, some money and two hardisks, forcing me to move out from the old boarding house pronto, the place that I like so much and have inhibited for three years now.

The new place is air conditioned, not very well vent, has got histories of things stolen and cost almost twice the previous one..

I hate it

but hey, you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find you get what you need!

or so they say.. you can force it, but it will drive you craazyyy...

anyways, I've got some loan from koperasi to get a D90 as replacement. This is secret, but as personal revenge, I really want to get me a D700 or 5d Mark II sometimes in the future, Insya Allah,

And because I don't really like talking about bad stuff happening to me, that woul be all and bug off


yogya erased

At just about midnight nine hours before, some friends tried their luck crossing the two giant trees blindfolded at the Alun-Alun south of Yogyakarta Keraton (traditional palace). “Yogyakarta is running out of places to hangout in weekends, hence the constructions of hangout spots even in the outskirts of the city,” said Danang, a PR officer from the hotel that after sometimes has become more of a friend than a nuisance.

This explained the crowding youth at the Alun-Alun. The myths behind the trees, where successful crossing without the luxury of sight will grant their innermost desire in life, have prompted some people to lease black cloths for eye cover. And people are selling everything traditional, from the widely known Ronde (hot ginger drink) to boiled ground peanuts. We rent tandem bikes and make two rounds circling the Alun-Alun. Frankly, I haven’t had that much fun –or laughs- in a long time.

it's liberating to be somewhat stupid

lagu latian buat besok pas latian dan yang bakal kita mainin pas acara kantor di waterbom


karena kita mau bawain dua lagu, dan sekalian pas kita main di waterbom, maka menurut hemat gue, bener kata agus kalo bom bali hiji (karena judulnya sama ama water"bom", get it?) adalah lagu pertama yang tepat untuk dimainkan..

selanjutnya, setelah menimbang dan mengevaluasi bahwasanya image kita sebagai band akan langsung turun drastis kalo kita tiba tiba came up dengan lagu ga penting dan dilanjutkan dengan lagu ga penting lainnya, maka kita butuh sebuah lagu yang secara teknik profound, tapi ga nyusahin dengan durasi minimum yang meski bentar tetap bikin orang terperangah - tapi perlu di pikirkan juga kalo terlalu beresiko bahwasanya kalo kita nyanyi juga bakal kacau - maka dengan ini saya memilih lagu ini untuk kita latih bersama, sebuah lagu instrument yang tidak bisa dibilang tidak penting, yang maaf sekali bukan barang tentu dari coheed and cambria atawa blink 182, tetapi dari band favorite saya yang seperti sodara sodara sekalian tau adalah sebuah band norway beranggotakan sepuluh orang multiinstrumentalists bernama jaga jazzist (ben to)

mungkin akan ada protes tentang susahnya melodi dari om mustapha, maka dari itu, melodi akan dipangkas untuk dimainkan berdua bersama pemain bas yang notabene dan sangat disayangkan adalah sang penulis dan empunya alamat email ini. sebagai konsekwensi dari pemangkasan melodi, om mustapha akan sangat disesalkan akan tetapi sangat diharapkan untuk mengisi syncops syncops ala gamelan bali dalam lagu ini.

akan tetapi yang darimana sesuai dengan yang daripadanya, om lolla pemain drum dengan terpaksa harus berlatih extra keras untuk mampu setidaknya menyesuaikan meski tidak dipaksa oleh kami atau lebih tepatnya saya sebagai penggagas dan pemaksa pembentuk band ini dan di ujo ujo supaya kiranya dapat mampu menghapal tema tema pukulan dan hitungan dari hanya dan hanya dari reff lagu yang saya attach sebagai benang emas dari lagu tersebut.

setelah menimbang dan memeriksa dimana akan sangat diharapkan terjadi kesalahan dan kesulitan kesulitan tertentu pada saat pementasan dimana perilaku tersebut dapat menimbulkan cemoohan dari audienz termasuk pengunjung waterbom lain yang sebentulnya tidak begitu memiliki kepentingan sedikit apapun, maka sangat dianjurkan bagi anggota band ini untuk melatih poker face mereka dan meski kemungkinan besar akan main dengan acakadul tetap berlagak tidak ada yang terjadi atau lebih tepatnya seolah olah kesalahan kesalahan tersebut sebagaimana besar atau kecilnya merupakan bagian dari permainan progresive kita yang telah dengan sangat matang dipikirkan.
berikut lagunya dan harap diunduh, di dengar dan di telaah setelahnya dilatih dan dicemooh..

over and out

ps. kok ternyata filenya gede yak.. besok ajah gue kasi yak
For less paperwork and better environment, think twice before printing this email

heheh.. above is the email I sent for members of my band, recently named DeTrakt, but will probably changed to MayaElectric :p. don't be fooled that despite the tone, the band consists some of the most profound musicians I know :p

parenthood and yup, there's absolutely something wrong with me

I hate to say it, but besides real sad stories with details of other people being left alone and then cried, well, heartlessly, screaming possibly, sobs continuously, put it simply, moving pictures of people feeling extremely sad, that and the death of Michael Jackson, or other great musicians I adore, now that I mentioned it, I always have these profound mmm.. well empathy, or simply grieve on parenthood..

well.. not exactly..

in a way I'm easily moved by it, yup that's the term..

I mean how crazy is suddenly bursting into tears and laughter at the same time after a sight at a big board commercial with the face of an ordinary man, nothing special, with words like

"today, trying to get daughter to preschool"
"tomorrow, entering daughter to Yale"

that is just sick

until now I realized that the simplest sentence to bring me into tears, and not just down, but literally water in my eyes is

"and father, do you understand, what it is you mean to me.."



I just stumbled upon this blog, and I couldn't read it any further, for proper's sake..
well.. just want to share that, not going to make or find conclusion whatsoever..