wait, was that a pick up line?

btw, you won't believe what I'm going to tell you.

so I was on a flight to Jakarta from Singapore the other day, Visa made a commercial. I was sitting at row 32 A, obviously besides the window. besides me was this cute 3 year old American/Indonesian girl and his American dad, and when the SQ stewardess is picking up our plates, respectively, -she's been smiling to me before when she's handing out my dish- she smiled at me and start MAKING A CONVERSATION?!.. this is the transcript

hot stewardess aboard the SQ: "I think you look cute in that T-shirt, I think you should write your name and address in case of emergency"

me, who was wearing a shirt written 'if lost/drunk, please send to this address..': (smiling and feeling a bit odd) "yeah.. in case I got drunk"

the same hot stewardess: "haha, you know my friend also have the same T-shirt. Did you get it in Singapore?"

me, whom at the time feeling even more odd as the caucasian guy on the end of the row is giving us the stare: (confused a bit) "yeah, in some store"

I remember her looking a bit bashful as the caucasian guy keep giving us the stare which probably translates "not in front of the kid?!" and after giving a hint of a smile, she left with a funny expression

what a weird situation that was. I mean, I don't remember any SQ stewardess making some small talk with its passengers, and the way she said "you look cute in that T-shirt" man, was that even a pick up line?!

anyways, I feel a lot cuter afterward haha

2 kritikan:

Anonymous said...

ooow,,, so that the HOT stewardess..
sempet ambil gbrnya jg?? hahahahaha dasar.

that is a pick up line!! mbak2 hot yg musti senyum ke tiap pnumpang, ga mungkin ngajak ngobrol k smua pnumpang.. at least dia 'gremet' sm pnumnpangnya.. hahahahah

laen kali lebih agresif dong.. masa cuma ambil foto doang?? minta no telp ato foto bareng gitu??

smoga sukses di lain waktu!

cumi laut said...

dasar, bukan itu mbak mbaknya pikuuu.. ini cuman photo yang di google dengan key word "SQ Stewardess"
