stupid random things in my life no one but me should ever read

-hmm, i just received comment from my ex's sister in frenster telling me to get the fuck away, i guess that's as far the okay break up story goes-though i have made contacts to those borrowing my books, no clue on when they'll ever return them to me.. i miss those books, the smell of old papers..-we did it guys! 31 hours non stop jazz concert was a success! my band played the nine o'clock in the morning successfully! Calamary trio rocks!-i wish there's future to calamary..i desperately hope so-mother recently urged me not to continue looking for visa for Germany..she couldn't handle the possibility of a year apart, i wish she'd chosen to have more kids-short paragraphs!short paragraphs!-there's a possibility of a brand new office computers, keep my fingers crosses-itachi's dead.. what a character, a better after life scenario has been written for you dude-missing the value of friendships.. where are you guys..-i love my girlfriend, hope this one lasts-just bought a water bottle, huge, no more thirsty hours-no matter how good you are, you are never any good-bass playing!so good to be able to play bass once in a while-just gone to Bone the other day, plan to have a custom made fretless bass, hope things worked okay-though some may think i forgot, i still wished being included as Notturno's crew in Malaka Strait Jazz Festival, guess those trying really hard should be prioritized, Teguh you're a lucky man-just got two Flim and the BB's cds, havent listen to them all-i hope mom is okay, miss her so-i'm going to sister's boarding house after this, giving her my camera, love her so-it's ten o'clock and i'm still at the office-you try and try and one day you'll fly away from me-got a translation job, but never heard of it anymore, let's hope for it-life is a funny thing isn't it?-should call shinta and asked her how's she doin-called arun once in a while, he's in tangerang-i hope ridwan is enjoying his married life, he looked like a happy husband the last time, so long friend-calling arun as we speak-hope botak get through good with his life, and find someone good-missing bali so much-arun's probably asleep, trying to call pipim-don't know who else to call if this one failed, no one answers, it's almost 11-friends are hard to find, and how they're easy to go..-gambatte!-

2 kritikan:

Anonymous said...

Fuck dude! you called me at 11 pm. i already drifted to the land of dreams, my man. please try to call me on a reasonable hours hehehehe

I am here for you my friend, thinking of you too, i just fear i may disturb you in the middle of your work. if you need me, just send me text and i'll call you.


cumi laut said...

hehe u're right, worry not my comrade, I guess it was one of those lonely moments..

great to know u care hehe
