I'm not happy

ck payah,

gue jadi berasa orang yang berkali2 di gambarkan di novel2..

orang2 yang menginginkan perubahan significant dalam hidupnya tapi ga bener2 ngelakuin sesuatu untuk merubahnya, sialan..

I know I have to at least write something, time waits for no one, but damn, how hard it is to get rid of thoughts like "tomorrow.." maan.. I'm in a deep shit..

write something dude!! melakukan sesuatu bukan cuman ngirim CV sebanyak2nya ..
If I want to be a swimmer, gue akan belajar berenang, n bukannya ngirim CV ke lembaga penyelenggara lomba renang..

jodoh, berapa orang bilang kerjaan bagus itu jodoh, we all know its a bunch of shit, people get the best job because they deserve it, they're doing great jobs, precious with their times, trustworthy, kerjaan bagus itu jodoh adalah propaganda buat orang yang ga pernah berusaha keras untuk dapetin kerjaan bagus, atau excuse untuk nggak ngelakuin apapun, I hate this shit!

huh sialan

dan liatlah gue, doing the same freakin stupid job I've been doing for the past 14 months!!
the same freakin job that I thought would last in just 6 months, god damn me..

it's like being in a coma and waking up realizing that the only thing u're good at is being in a coma

>sigh< I live my own life, and holding control of it, but these situations.. makes me realize that I don't have any control to any of these shits, not a shit!!

too many to think about, too many hearts to protect,

I'm not happy

not happy

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